
Some sort of insect in the middle

Someone didn't read the sign about trash.

Joshua Tree seed pods

Late sun on a dead plant(?)

Joshua Tree might also be considered a rock garden

Sunset from Keys View

Sunset from Keys View 7 minutes later

Too self-absorbed to watch the sun set

One of a couple Joshua Trees at Keys View

Cholla cactus - JTNP includes lower altitude Colorado desert where these thrive, largely ~2,100 feet above sea level. The Joshua trees are common to the Mojave desert in the northern part of the park, 2,800 to 4,000 feet above sea level.

Cholla party?

The colors are true, but they come alive in the setting sun.

Dead Cholla cactus

Cute little devil. Don't touch. Search "touching Cholla cactus"

Apparently spiders can navigate these

Not true color, but fun.

Joshua trees in setting sun

Joshua tree in the blue hour

35mph signs posted throughout the park. Maybe on some of the curves, but rarely observed.

A bit later. Ah, stars!